3.4 SDK that reduces development difficulty
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The design idea ofmodular functional components brings obvious benefits to a growing project. Especially for a project with a user base, the difficulty of development is likened to "refueling an airplane in flight". Therefore, a functionally modular and pluggable design architecture can provide support for future projects to be upgraded according to the roadmap, and reduce the possibility of hard fork.
DreamChain adopts an advanced architecture based on Asimov (Asimov architecture), which consists of 6 modular components and can be divided into 3 parts as follows:
6 modular components
● Unified storage
● Files (IPFS, Interplanetary File System)
● Database (OrbitDB)
● Data scarcity
● Identity (public-key encryption)
● Assets (DEP20 form)
3 parts
● Portable Computing
● Private and trusted (Wasm and JS systems)
● Public does not have to be trusted (Mainchain and layer2)
Two vertical second-order modules that run through these structures rely on the 3 core domain capabilities mentioned earlier. The two second-order modules are
● Encryption
● Function as a service
The vast majority of end-users will not be able to use encryption-enabled routing locally for some time. To bridge this gap, our Asimov architecture leverages the public DNS infrastructure as a bridge for backward compatibility.
Combined with the cross-chain bridge solution of 2.4, the Asimov architecture of this case and the blockchain cross-chain service infrastructure, the SDK (software development kit) has been created on the application development interface. This supports the developers of the application proprietary chain, in turn making it more convenient to create application-specific chains for their respective service architectures, and publish their own application logic through a series of toolkits on the chain. At the same time, our cross-chain infrastructure can support the services of these specific application chains to be consumed cross-chain.
Therefore, through the flexible SDK+ cross-chain infrastructure solution, we can not only realize the cross-chain transfer of assets, but more importantly, support data and complex calculations to be consumed across heterogeneous networks. It is often said that in the era of big data and the era of Industry 4.0, data starts generating value. In other words, static data cannot generate value. Only when the data is confirmed and truly circulated as well as privacy is protected can the flowing data truly create value in the right place. The cross-chain service infrastructure + SDK of our technical solutions is particularly important, and their combination enables the extension of value and services between various application chains.