3.3 Easy-to-deploy fission systems
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The term fission comes from the physics concept of nuclear fission. A common fission scheme involves bombarding a uranium-235 nucleus with a fast-moving neutron and splitting it into two lighter nuclei and two to three high-energy neutrons. These neutrons in turn hit nearby uranium-235 nuclei, continuing a fission reaction, also known as a chain reaction.
In recent years’ business ecology, fission has been used by marketing groups to describe the timed growth of loyal customers and sales. When we discuss the fission model, we are talking about these three aspects:
● How important are seed users?
● How to improve the fission factor?
● What does fission rate depend on?
A formula is proposed here to estimate the fission effect:
Among them, A is the number of seed users, B is the fission factor, C is the propagation round, α is the attention decay factor, and t is the round at which new content appears. When C<t, T=0; when C≥T, T=C-t.
The larger the t is, the faster the fission speed is. From this, three conclusions can be drawn:
The first conclusion: Since the increment of the number of seed users in the C round is a monotonically increasing function of A, it is said that the increment is based on the stock (seed users). It is no exaggeration to say that the number of seed users is the first decisive factor for the success of fission.
Therefore, relying on the chain business contract, a series of operations can be designed in the dApp to amplify the fission effect:
● Invite users to participate to get additional rewards;
● PK mechanism drives users to invite more users to participate in rapid fission and get more rewards;
● Form your own team and reward the team members as they progress.
Therefore, the first level above is to invite new users from old users, and continuously increase the base of seed users. The second level is to recall new users for old users, in order to maximize the incremental effect of seed users.
The second conclusion: fission factor is the key factor for the success of fission. The fission factor is simply the number of new users that a user can bring. Some unfavorable factors that can affect the fission factor are:
● Difficulty of operation
● Operational complexity
● need to pay
Therefore, the operations that need to be done well in the design of the dApp are:
● Benefit-driven: increase the fission reward value
● Benefit-driven: display the prizes significantly, record the chain, and broadcast announcements
● Benefit-driven: display the benefits brought by inviting friends on the invitation link
● Reduce operation complexity: give users one main operation key for each step and fission invitation button
● The main entrance is on the path that users must go through after browsing
The third conclusion: fission rate is the fuel pump for fission success. In any system, the user's attention has a specific decay curve. Better-designed products’ decay curves would extend their downing trend. In the case of setting a certain fission target, we need to increase the fission speed. Therefore, we need to analyze how to make a user fission faster and attract more users.
Some feasible design ideas are:
● Increase the exposure of dApps in front of users
● In the core link, the earlier the fission action occurs, the better without affecting the user experience
● Airdrop additional tokens to continuously enrich application scenarios
● dApp participation is not permanent, so users need to log in periodically.
● Interactive mini-games for dApps to increase the sense of participation
From this conclusion, Dreamer Finance's design for the fission system has three main directions:
● Seed users: try to increase the participation ratio of seed users through execution and interaction mechanisms, and encourage old users to participate.
● Fission factor: interest/social currency/self-shaping can increase the fission factor, while operation difficulty/operation complexity/’need to pay’ will reduce the fission factor;
● Fission speed: It can be improved by the following methods: appearing the fission link as early as possible in the core link, increasing the chance of fission occurrence through the mechanism, and using the time limit to speed up the user's action.