2.2.3 Supersonic
Supersonic is the first practical, trustless, concise and verifiable zero-knowledge proof. The verification data of Supersonic is less than 10KB, and it only takes 7 milliseconds to verify a 100,000-logic door statement.
Supersonic and Bulletproofs apply to different statements. A confidential transaction statement requires about 4000 logic gates. In comparison, a completely anonymous transaction statement requires 100,000 logic gates. Under normal circumstances, the transaction privacy provided by confidential exchanges using Bulletproofs is sufficient to meet the privacy required in daily life and can be combined with other blockchain privacy tools to increase privacy. For example, the Coin Join tool that combines multiple transactions. But in cases where users must keep all information completely private, Supersonic can be used in transactions to construct zero-knowledge proofs of more complex sentences without any loss in speed or time.
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