2.5 Distributed Storage - IPFS
IPFS stands for Interplanetary File System, which is an underlying protocol of the Internet. Its goal is to create a more open, faster, and more secure Internet It uses distributed hash tables to solve data transmission and positioning problems, and changes single-point transmission into P2P (muItipoint-to-multipoint) transmission, where the structure for storing data is a hash chain. A map is stored on each IPFS node, and each map is connected to each other. Also, all IPFS node maps add up to a distributed hash table. When A requests data from this network, it will use a mathematical calculation method to find out which machine B's resources are on based on the ID hash value of the data itself, and then establish a connection to download the data that A needs. The bottom layer of IPFS is BT, which can permanently store data through distributed storage.
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